Maritime Navigation | Maritime Safety | Maritime Low | Mother Language

Pedagogic content

  • View the correct methods to use distress signals
  • Know the procedure to report your position
  • Recognition of the main radar functions
  • Recognition of the main navigational instruments
  • Introduction to radio communication
  • Know the main navigation system integration
  • COLREGs knowledge
  • Apply search and rescue procedures


Geometry English language Cartography’s fundamentals Vector calculation Cartography’s fundamentals Vector calculation

New competencies targeted

Students will be able to:

  • Know the basic procedures of SAR (search and rescue) operations
  • Use radar and ARPA as systems to determine the rescue route
  • Use communication techniques and procedures in English language



The teacher choose a near Maritime College (School) with Bridge Simulation


The teacher require authorization


The teacher, In according with Maritime College teachers, define the simulation scenario


Into virtual laboratory, the teacher explains the scenario overview


The students, supported by teachers, perform the required actions


The teacher analyzes the data obtained and the actions taken by each student


The class contributes to the final discussion which will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the choices made, and the correspondence with international standards relating to safety of navigation

Additional Info

Type of Activity: Experimental activities
Target Audience: From 16 years old
Place: Simulation room
Material need: None
Duration of Activity: PREPARATION:

8 hours


8 hours

Authorship and ressources conditions to use: IIS Garibaldi Maritime College (School) with Bridge Simulation
Note by Author:


Topic of this Experiences: Maritime Economy
Additional resources: Pdf Version